Monday, January 19, 2015

Four signs your baby will start walking soon

The anticipation is killing you. Is baby about to detach from the coffee table and start teetering around the house?(canvas prints canvas prints melbourne)

    Not crawling? Don't worry

Some babies cruise around holding onto furniture for months and months while others start walking practically the moment they get up on two feet. Here, pediatrician Jennifer Shu, MD, describes the signs that those first steps are coming. If you're worried your baby is a little behind the curve, be patient - there's really no need for concern until 15 months.

Sign No. 1: Pulling up

Obviously, baby can't start walking until he's learned how to get himself upright. "Usually, babies are getting ready to walk when they start pulling up on their own," says Shu. "They want to stand." Lots of "Bumpies" see this start to happen around eight months, and this could last for up to three months before you see any independent steps. Babies will begin pulling up on furniture, so you'll want to finish baby-proofing ASAP.

Sign No. 2: Fussiness

Remember the dark days of teething? "Anytime babies reach a new milestone, they get fussier," Shu says. Fussiness tends to make an appearance at mealtime: If you suddenly have a pickier eater on your hands, it could signal you'll soon have a walker too.

Sign No. 3: Extra sleepiness

Shu says your soon-to-be walker might be snoozing a lot more than usual. "Bumpies" attest to this around 10 or 11 months, right as baby is also going through a growth spurt.

Sign No. 4: Acting like a daredevil

Once baby has gotten the hang of pulling herself up, she'll probably start testing the waters of balancing on her own. Shu says that whether your baby is an early walker or a late walker might have nothing to do with her ability and more to do with her personality. A super-brave kid might give it a go right away, while a more cautious one might want to be more confident she won't fall before letting go of the sofa.

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